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ROSS 308 Hatching eggs (Broiler)

ROSS 308 Hatching eggs for sale


The ROSS 308 is a bird that performs consistently well and has the versatility to meet a broad range of end-product requirements. The ROSS 308 breeder produces a high number of eggs combined with an excellent hatchability rate that optimizes chick cost in situations where broiler performance is important.

Therefore, the ROSS 308 is recognized globally as a consistent performance broiler. Integrated and independent producers value the growth rate, feed efficiency, and all-round performance of the Ross 308.


ROSS 308

ROSS 308

The Ross 308 is a robust, fast-growing, feed efficient broiler with good meat yield. It is designed to satisfy the demands of customers who require consistency of performance and the versatility to meet a broad range of end-product requirements.

Cost-effective production of chicken meat depends on achieving good bird performance and the following points are important for optimizing the performance of the Ross 308 broiler:

  • Maximize chick quality by good management of hatching, storage, and transport conditions.
  • Design the brooding set-up to ensure easy access to water and feed at placement, and to ease the transition between supplementary systems and the automated feeders and drinkers at 4-5 days. Feed a highly digestible and nutritionally balanced Starter diet.
  • Keep chicks in their thermal comfort zone by monitoring chick behavior but beware of low relative humidities (less than 50% RH). Establish a minimum ventilation program from day one.
  • Monitor crop fill, feeding and drinking behavior, and 7-day live weight to allow continuous improvement of the brooding set-up.
  •  Keep birds in their thermal comfort zone throughout the growing period. Fast-growing broilers produce large amounts of heat, particularly in the second half of the grow-out period. Keeping ambient temperatures less than 21ºC (69.8ºF) from 21 days onwards may improve growth rates.
  • Maintain high standards of biosecurity and cleanliness to keep disease to a minimum.





The Netherlands / Belgium



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